What is #Soulpositivefinds
The #soulpositivefinds project is a grassroots random act of kindness movement that delivers positivity and encouragement through small handcrafted tags of art.
A little over 5 years ago I began leaving encouraging messages via art tags in my borrowed library books. My hope was that whoever checked out those books next would find a positive message of encouragement. A little piece of happy to brighten their day.
I shared this idea with a few fellow artists who then began creating and sharing their own art tags. We went from leaving them in library books to leaving them on tables in restaurants and coffee shops, tied to benches or left on train seats. The project grew and I began teaching how to make kindness tags in my local elementary school and with civic groups like the Girl Scouts.
A few of my artsy friends also hold kindness tag sessions in their schools and Girl Scout Troops. This project is meant to be shared. Are you a teacher or Girl Scout Leader? Do you run an after school club? This project may be perfect for you.